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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes you need to create an account. This will allow us to deliver your product immediately via email.

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. Contact us directly if you would like to arrange an alternative method of payment.

1.       Your documents will automatically be emailed to you upon checkout.

Please contact us immediately via email: and we will ensure that you get your documents ASAP

1.      You will need to review each document and ensure that any missing information on the first 2 pages are completed relevant to the project and your company requirements. You should also review the content and ensure that all site specific hazards are taken into account. You can update SWMS’s to make them site specific in the last section of the SWMS.

If you remove specific information from the body of the SWMS it may mean that the SWMS no longer complies with legal requirements so we recommend that you don’t. Contact us and ask us if you are unsure.
Email us at with your request and we’ll contact you directly to see where we can assist.
Yes we do. Just go to the tab at the top the top left of the home page and hit on SUBCONTRACTOR HSE PLAN.