Work at Height

Work at Height
This SWMS includes the following:
- Legislation
- Training
- General worker health management and general work zone set up
- Working at height - general
- Access to work area and general set up
- Fixed scaffold erection
- Mobile scaffold erection
- Working on scaffold - access/egress
- Working on scaffold general
- Harness use/fall restraint
- Working with harness in area with no fall protection
- Use of hand tools at height
- Use of ladders for access
- Ladder use - General
- Using an A frame ladder and step ladder
- Penetrations - Working in and around penetrations
- Plant access to undertake maintenance and repairs
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: SWMS-31
Available Options
This SWMS includes the following:
- Legislation
- Training
- General worker health management and general work zone set up
- Working at height - general
- Access to work area and general set up
- Fixed scaffold erection
- Mobile scaffold erection
- Working on scaffold - access/egress
- Working on scaffold general
- Harness use/fall restraint
- Working with harness in area with no fall protection
- Use of hand tools at height
- Use of ladders for access
- Ladder use - General
- Using an A frame ladder and step ladder
- Penetrations - Working in and around penetrations
- Plant access to undertake maintenance and repairs