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Instructions for Use

SWMS Instructions:

Once you download your document/s make sure you do the following:

Complete all the blank fields as follows:

  • Header - add your logo and company name
  • Project Name
  • Company/PCBU carrying out the work
  • Company Address
  • Consultation - this is where you list the names of workers who you have consulted with regarding the content of the SWMS. This can be a one off process and does not have to be workers who are on the actual project.
  • Review Date
  • High Rick Construction Work Category (Not for NZ) - Double check that the correct boxes have been ticked and update where required
  • Emergency Rescue - Add details of any specific emergency procedures. Note that some SWMS's already have emergency procedures at the end of the SWMS
  • Communication methods - Review and update as required
  • Training & Competency - Review and update as required. Add individual workers names and training information in the table below
  • Review Specific to Site Conditions - Add any specific information i.e. presence of overhead or underground services, traffic control requirements, specific exclusion zones or permits required
  • Review the risk levels so that they fir the environment you will be working in.

IMPORTANT: It is very important that you review the SWMS content with those actually doing the task to ensure that all steps, hazards and risks have been captured in relation to the specific work you are going to complete

Subcontractor WHSE Plan Instructions

Add you logo to the front page where indicated. 

  • Add you logo and company name to the header where indicated
  • Complete all the blank sections
  • Complete all the text sections highlighted in yellow and remove the highlight or delete text as relevant. This will become your master document

Email our team on our contact us page ( if you have any questions.